Homesbook Factoring Caplan

Don’t Forget to Vote!

Don’t forget to vote for your top performers after each Bully Wee match this season!

Website members can choose their man of the match and two other top players, with a final result being displayed on the website after 48 hours.

The top three players win points (3, 2 and 1) that go towards an Official Website Player of the Year award, to be presented in May. You can keep a track of the running totals on the Squad > Stats page.

Alan Trouten won last week’s vote for his two-goal performance against Annan, with Stuart Kettlewell second and Mark Brown third.

To vote for yesterday’s match against Morton, click here.

If you are not yet a website member but would like to join for the 2008-09 season, more information can be found here.