Homesbook Factoring Caplan

Bryson’S Promising Start

Craig Bryson was the first, and so far this season, the only Clyde player to have all three of his strips sponsored. Not bad for a teenager who had not played a game for the first team before the pre-season friendlies commenced.

Last February, just as Craig Bryson was about to begin a short loan period with East Kilbride Thistle, Clyde’s then Assistant Manager Billy Reid summed up the young midfielder’s qualities: “Craig has a great attitude; when things are going against him he keeps on going. He’ll always score goals.”

Craig’s spell in the Juniors helped him gain some valuable first team experience and he “kept on going” so well that he was voted the E.K Jags’ “Best Newcomer” before returning to Broadwood at the end of last season.

Since then he has done nothing to contradict Billy Reid’s favourable assessment and is now regarded as one of the most promising youngsters on Clyde’s books. His known goal threat, well appreciated by Billy Reid, took only four minutes to materialise in his competitive debut against Raith, Clyde’s second fixture of the season. None of the Clyde management team expect that the early opener at Stark’s Park, a powerful drive into the corner, will be his only successful strike.

Apart from a good eye for goal, his main strengths are said to be that he possesses a good engine and is strong in the tackle. As a seventeen year old, “Bryso” obviously still has much to learn but can only benefit from playing beside such experienced players as Jimmy Gibson and Darren Sheridan. For Clyde fans, one of the season’s more pleasant tasks should be the monitoring of young Bryson’s anticipated progress.