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Festive Friends Lunch at Broadwood

In December, the final Football Memories session of 2018 took place. Thanks to funding from the SPFL Trust, the Clyde FC Community Foundation was delighted to invite all participants to join the Festive Friends lunch, enjoy some football chat and entertainment and leave with a bespoke gift.

Over 40 people attended the lunch, held in the Arria Lounge at Broadwood. Special thanks go to Joanne and the staff who prepared the wonderful lunch, which included a steak pie dinner followed by gateaux and ice cream. One of the volunteers kindly brought homemade mince pies, which were a great addition with tea and coffee.

During the afternoon, a ‘name that stadium’ session took place, as pictures of Scottish Stadiums were passed round to encourage chat around them all. After lunch, the group were delighted to welcome David, who has been attending the monthly sessions, who provided entertained with a few numbers on his trombone. As he played his final song, Jingle Bells, Santa appeared to hand out presents to everyone.

Karen Elliott, Employability Manager said: “The afternoon was a great success and the atmosphere was electric. From the football chat to live music, fantastic food and topping it off with Santa joining us. Singing and dancing rounded off the day and everyone left with a smile on their face.”

The Football Memories group meet every month at Broadwood thanks to funding from Project Dirt’s #YourPintCan funding.