Homesbook Factoring Caplan

Digital Media Manager

Clyde FC seeks applications for the voluntary post of Digital Media Manager.

As part of its succession planning, the club is keen to recruit an experienced and energetic individual to oversee and manage the current digital media team.

The role responsibilities and required skills are listed below and applications, ideally including a CV, should be emailed to for the attention of the Head of Communications.



  • Liaise with Head of Communications and Club Board to deliver the agreed club communication strategy.
  • Maintain all pages of club website regularly
  • Conduct interviews with club staff to provide first person updates i.e. first team manager 
  • Check, amend and publish submitted content for news section
  • Generate other news content for the website
  • Ensure regularly occurring updates are published on schedule i.e. weekly lottery results
  • Monitor and moderate Forum on a regular basis.
  • Oversee matchday activities and press liaison
  • Work with other members of media team to coordinate content
  • Manage the club’s online shop facility (excluding merchandise) and add/amend items for payment as required
  • Manage relationship with website development provider
  • Facilitate the addition of new features on the website, or updates to existing features
  • Manage club email system and provide technical support to users
  • Monitor and update social media channels


  • Knowledge of HTML/CSS
  • Experience of using a Content Management System (CMS)
  • Experience of using an online shop system
  • Picture editing experience (Photoshop, Fireworks)
  • Knowledge of Office365
  • Awareness of main social media platforms
  • Excellent writing skills
  • Ability to maintain a consistent brand style across all communications
  • Good verbal communication

Please also feel free to volunteer for any aspects of the role where you feel you could contribute as a member of the media team.