Chairman’s 2024 New Year Message
Chairman Gordon Thomson penned the following message to supporters as we begin 2024:-
The New Year is upon us and after the events of 2023 the prospect of looking forward is one to be welcomed but that does not mean the scale of the challenge we face in retaining our league membership is underestimated. We cannot accept second best in any area of the club. I am extremely grateful for the recent backing at the AGM that gives me the opportunity to address this comprehensively.
In speaking to Allan [Maitland] in the summer I was determined to bring him to the club to provide the necessary experience in football but also critically the drive, enthusiasm and work ethic to deliver what is required. The Board shared my delight in Allan’s willingness to join the board and it was great to see the owners ratify this at the AGM. Equally, Ian and Neil would not have come to the club if they were not convinced of the freedom and ability to create the right conditions for success. From day one of our discussions, they wanted assurances of our desire to restore the club’s reputation and competitiveness. Poor recruitment over several seasons has cost us dearly. No stone can be left unturned or element of the club untouched to turn things around. Resources have been in place before, but I am certain we now have the individuals in place with the hunger and desire alongside the experience and skills to deliver what we all want.
Relocation remains a key factor. The decision regarding Crownpoint was a blow and one that we have stated our disagreement with but ultimately respect. We met with Glasgow City Council within 24 hours of the decision to express our views and discuss alternate options which are being assessed. As we consider the correct approach our resolve to relocate has not diminished. The desire and intensity indeed has to increase as the future of the club is dependent upon it. The Crownpoint bid was of the highest standard, the quality of our bid was not the issue and the individuals and partners on the relocation group will continue to be tasked to take the club forward in this matter. Further updates will be communicated by the group to the owners in the near future.
The relocation work will not distract from the primary concern for the club i.e. survival in the league. Nothing can distract the club from it. The focus should not be diverted from anything other than creating the right conditions for our players to succeed. How the club moves forward will be addressed and communicated but now is the time for unity.
The football department need your support more than ever in the coming weeks and months. New players have started arriving with more quality additions to follow. As well as needing your backing as they settle, they will benefit from hearing the passion that we have in abundance for our club. We need to make the players feel at home and relish the fact that they have been trusted in this battle on behalf of the Clyde. That passion has been shown in abundance before and will be a critical advantage over our rivals in the second half of the season.
As a Board we thank you for your continued support of the club in what has undoubtedly been difficult circumstances but together united we will strive to bring success to the club in 2024.
Happy New Year and best wishes for you and your family in 2024