Homesbook Factoring Caplan

Crownpoint Update

Clyde FC Community Foundation’s initial proposal for Crownpoint has now been published by Glasgow City Council, and is available to view on their website at the following link.

This marks the end of the formal period for submissions by interested parties, and the process now moves on to an Engagement Phase during which the proposal will be developed and consulted on with the local community.

As indicated in the club’s previous statement, there was the possibility that this would be a competitive process if alternative bids were submitted to the Local Authority ahead of the closing date of the 16th December. One such alternative bid was received, and each will be judged on their respective merit for the community in the vicinity of the site. While we take nothing for granted, we remain confident that our vision to enhance the complex and truly realise its full potential is the right one for both the east end of Glasgow and for Clyde Football Club.