Homesbook Factoring Caplan

Volunteers Update

Following our announcement on 11th December seeking volunteers to offer their services in all areas of the club’s operations, we have been delighted with the initial response.

We informed all fans that the club needs to strengthen its volunteer base across its full range of activities and is seeking interested individuals or organisations to become involved, whether they can spare an hour on matchday right through to taking on the time commitment of chairman.

Our intention is to introduce new blood that can bring a range of skills and experience and a fresh impetus to support those that are spread too thinly over current workloads and projects.

There are immediate gaps in all of the standard business areas, including; commercial, marketing, finance and operations. Additionally there are projects that have not been progressed simply due to lack of volunteer availability and there is also scope for volunteering within our community-based network.

With a major relocation project to work towards, there is a need to enhance the group responsible for driving the project. This is a significant priority for the club, as is having a team of people that can make the relocation opportunity a real success. 

Whilst we are proud of the volunteer network that has supported the club for many years, and those that have served the club previously, we do not have a registered pool of volunteers that can be contacted to help out on ad-hoc projects or step into long term roles. 

The absence of such a pool with specific and relevant skills makes it difficult to innovate or to enlist those who could share responsibility for a range of activities.

It was announced in the 11th December communication that the club would organise informal discussion events to talk through what roles might be available, immediately and in the medium term, and this included hearing your views on what roles should exist that are not currently in place.

We can confirm that the first of these evening sessions will take place on Monday 11th January at 7pm in the Boardroom within the NLL Leisure building at Broadwood.

Thank you to those who have already submitted an expression of interest and a note will be sent to confirm availability for this session.

There is still time to add your name to the attendees for the 11th January meeting, simply by registering by 7th January 2016. Whether you can spare an hour a week or have the time and experience to take on a board role, then please register your interest by contacting