Community Help Required!
Clyde FC is keen to find supporters who, wherever they live, are willing to get out and about this summer telling others about the Bully Wee. By becoming a community link volunteer you would be signing up to agree to occasionally distribute information about the club activities or forthcoming matches within your community, workplace or school. Whether that is putting up a poster in your local shop or distributing flyers any assistance would be great.
One way of informing others about the club is having a presence at local events and the Bully Wee has been invited to once again attend this year’s Fun in the Park day in Cumbernauld’s Community Park. This popular event is being held on Sunday 5th June between 12 & 4pm, with stalls being set up from 10am onwards.
Last year was a big success with over 5000 people attending the afternoon activities and of course it marked the debut of the Bully Wee’s inflatable soccer pitch. This proved to be a big hit with local kids who were keen to show their soccer skills, so help us repeat the success of 2010 and take a look to see the ways in which you can help your club next week.
The following is a list of tasks in response to our experience from last year and if you can help please get in touch via
Staff the Club stall and distribute info
A Gazebo, table and display board has been purchased by the Supporters’ Trust and the club season tickets will be ready to sell on the day. So this is an ideal opportunity to raise awareness of our ticket offers, commercial activities and schools of football. If you are able to help staff the stall and talk to people about the club then that would be a great help.
Design artwork to promote Clyde FC and make the stand visible
Don’t worry if you can’t be there but if you can help in the design of promotional banners to augment our display boards and inflatable pitch that would be a great help
Design/write brief club history to place on display boards
Again even if you can’t attend you can help play an important part by writing some short paragraphs on educating people about the Bully Wee.
Obtain/hire/set up generator for inflatable pitch
The ever popular inflatable pitch needs air! Can you assist in making this happen and help set up the mini stadium?
Supervise activities at inflatable pitch
The inflatable pitch is a popular attraction and this will involve working to ensure that everyone using it has the maximum fun.
Can you attend for a short while to take some pictures of the day? Get in touch and help us record it for the future.
Whether it’s the 5th or another time, any support would be appreciated to help your club let others know about the Bully Wee. Be part of the Team!