Graham Wins Record Jackpot
Last night’s Clyde FC Lottery draw produced its biggest ever winner, with Graham Dundas scooping an incredible £13,250.
Graham, 46, works at National Sign Co. in Rutherglen and he and his colleagues enjoy an end of week pint in the nearby Victoria Bar. It’s from there that he has regularly been buying tickets from agent Alan Stewart.
He was a previous winner of a second prize a few years ago, but that pales into insignificance compared to the lucky ticket he now holds and is pictured here.
Graham was delighted and a little bit stunned when informed of the fantastic news this morning, saying, “My first thought would probably be to sort out a decent holiday this summer. Other than that it’s a bit too much to take in at the moment!”
Clyde Supporters’ Trust treasurer, Gordon Nisbet added: “The Trust would like to thank all the agents, outlets and players for their continued and valued support in making the lottery the success it really is. It’s occasions like this that make all our sustained efforts worth it.”
A formal presentation will be made to Graham at a later date.
Don’t forget that you can take part in the lottery throughout the summer at the touch of a button. Click here to go to the online play system.