on Twitter
It seemed like everyone else was doing it so, not to be undone, has set up an official Twitter account.
To join, visit If you have not used Twitter before (like us!) then their website has all the info you need on setting up an account, adding your mobile, preferences etc.
Apparently, if you are with 02 or Vodafone this gives you the option of receiving SMS updates straight to your phone. Remember that this is a third party service so, particularly if you are abroad, please double check any costs that may be involved in using its services.
This will start on a trial basis with basic updates on news and useful – and not so useful – snippets. If successful, future use could include things like live match updates direct to a page on this website.
If you are a Twitter veteran, please contact us with any help or hints you can offer on how we can use it to enhance your enjoyment of the website.
– Website Team