Homesbook Factoring Caplan

Still a Long Way To Go

Vice-Chairman John Alexander spoke to the official club website and was frank about the club’s situation: “This is no time for complacency. Yesterday’s result was great as it lifts the immediate threat to our existence but we are still very much in a battle to survive. To be blunt we owe as much today as we did yesterday. To date we have raised £20k and we need to double that by the end of the month. Those are the stark facts.

“However, I am relieved that our dispute with the Broadwood Stadium Company is at an end. All of us at the club would like to issue a vote of thanks to our friends in and out of football who have contributed greatly to securing Clyde’s future in Cumbernauld.

“It certainly has been a team effort from a wide range of individuals and organisations. News of the agreement was released quickly last night and therefore we would like to put on record now our appreciation of the support given to the club in the past few weeks.

“As mentioned previously, talks yesterday with Councillor Logue and the Broadwood Stadium Company were frank but amicable, with a determination by all parties involved to ensure that this experience is not repeated. All wish to see the partnership between Clyde and Broadwood grow in strength for the benefit of all. We would like to thank them for that commitment and the positive manner in which the meeting was held yesterday.

Club Statement – Business Agreement

“It has been humbling to see the passion expressed by fans. Many from other teams have contributed to our Back the Bully Wee Fund and our own supporters have been magnificent too. In a short space of time people have lobbied and made their disquiet known, as well as raising a fantastic amount of money; from singers to stand-ups, from people walking to fans getting waxed! From bingo to race nights and from private personal donations to even guests at a baby’s christening donating, to name but a few events. All deserve our praise and gratitude.”

John continued, “We also received cross party political support from a number of politicians who took a direct interest in our situation, including Rosemary McKenna MP, John Mason MP, Cathy Craigie MSP, Jamie Hepburn MSP, Christina McKelvie MSP, Councillors Rhondda Geekie, Willie Homer, Alan O’Brien and Gordon Murray. Once again, thank-you.

“In the world of football in particular we would like to thank Stirling Albion, Alloa and Morton for their kind and generous offers of support.

“The media has also assisted us in highlighting our efforts and we would in particular like to thank the Daily Record, The Sun, Cumbernauld News, Radio Scotland, Sky Sports News and our friends at Revival Radio for their consistent interest in the plight of our club.

“It has been a difficult time for us and the hard work will need to continue. Unity Day on Saturday, therefore, is not the end but a time to be united to Back the Bully Wee so that our club’s future can be secure and we can once more look forward in confidence.”