Concessionary Season Ticket Announcement
This season, the Board decided to initially reduce the price for concession walk-ups. We subsequently decided to keep these walk-up prices for concessions at £5 for the rest of the season, as a further effort is made to attract more supporters to Broadwood, especially the younger fans who will hopefully continue to follow us and become the supporters of the next generation.
As a result, we recognise that the £120 season ticket is no longer value for money for this season. By way of compensation, we would like to offer any concessionary season ticket holder the opportunity to come along to Broadwood (with a friend) and watch a home game in the Executive Club.
This offer includes:-
• 2 people for 1 game
• Half-time snacks – tea, pies and sandwiches (Westfield Suite)
• Access to payable bar prior to and after match (Broadwood Suite)
• Free matchday programme.
• Free car parking
• Opportunity to assist in a “meet and greet” with the opposition directors and officials.
• Join the other members in contributing to your man of the match.
The office will have a schedule of the remaining games for this season and they will co-ordinate this to ensure that there is adequate catering for each game.
If you wish to take up this offer, please phone the office on 01236 451511, quoting your name, season ticket number and which game you wish to attend.