Dinner Offer Extended
Clyde Supporters’ Trust members are being offered an extra week to take advantage of the ‘early bird discount’ and get a seat at the Annual Celebrity Sports Dinner for just £39.50.
To qualify for this fantastic offer, forms must now be received no later than 13th February. Thereafter, the normal member price of £45 will apply.
The Trust reported today that the initial response to the reduced rate has been good, but that they are still keen to see more members buy tickets, whether individually or as a group.
The event takes place in the Marriott Hotel, Glasgow, on Saturday 21st March and is set to be another memorable evening.
Bully Wee fan Dougie Donnelly (pictured) is host, with former referee Willie Young and comedian Joe Camay providing the after dinner entertainment.
As always there will also be a quality raffle and fun-filled auction.
Non-members can reserve a seat for £55, with bookings for a table of ten being offered at £500.
Anyone wishing to secure a place or requiring further information should contact Trust Board member John Woods on 07753623521 or at info@clydetrust.org.
Don’t delay!