Homesbook Factoring Caplan

Busy Day At Broadwood

Tomorrow’s visit from Queen of the South at Broadwood will be preceded by the club’s Annual General Meeting. In a departure from previous years, the AGM will go ahead on a Saturday prior to the match in the second floor Clyde Suite at 12.15pm tomorrow.

If there are any shareholders who for any reason did not receive their personal notice calling the meeting, they can register on arrival. Please be prompt, as the meeting will commence at 12.15pm and conclude by 1.30pm.

As it is matchday, then entry to the ground for the AGM will be arranged as follows: Season Tickets can be redeemed at the ground floor reception, while cash admissions for the match will also be taken at the front door.

Fans should also note that former Clyde favourite Frank McGarvey will be attending as a guest of the club, his first ever visit to Broadwood. We’re sure you’ll give him a rousing welcome.