Homesbook Factoring Caplan

Website Membership

Details of membership to the new Official Clyde FC Website have been confirmed. Memberships will now be valid on a seasonal basis and cost just £6.50 (or £3 for Under-18 and Under-12 season ticket holders) per year. This entitles you to:-

Match highlights from Broadwood (and other video)
Post-match interviews (and other audio)
Forum access
Chat Room access
New and improved Man of the Match voting
Exclusive competitions and promotions

All memberships of the previous site have been transferred to the new site and will remain valid until 30th March 2008. If you are already a member you can now use the features already launched on the site; the Chat Room, the Forum, Audio and Video.

To continue your membership after 30/3/08 you must make the 2007 payment by that date. This can be done via the form below or online which we expect to be available very soon.

Your membership is crucial to the introduction of the new members’ pages already added and, depending on the success of the scheme, will hopefully contribute to further improvements in the future.

Thanks for your support!

NB – For technical reasons, we regret that we cannot currently accept new memberships. This will be rectified soon.