125′ Shirt Sales Commence
Orders are now being taken at the Online Shop for the new Limited Edition ‘125 Years’ 2003/04 Home Shirt, to give Bully Wee fans not able to make it to the match on Saturday every chance of getting one of the sought after tops.
A small number have been reserved for online orders, and these will be sold on a first come first served basis. If you are going to the match on Saturday, we recommend that you purchase one there.
Website Members please make sure that you are logged in before processing your order to ensure that you get your 10% discount.
Online Orders will be closed on Saturday morning, but in the unlikely event there are any left after Saturday, these will then be made avilable for sale again at the Online Shop next week.
The Clyde Shop at Broadwood will be open from 2pm on Saturday. All adult sizes (XXL, XL, M, S) will cost £35 and Youths and Boys sizes (L, M, S) will cost £30.
Click here for further details, or go to the Online Shop and visit the ‘Replica Kits’ section.