Become a Club Owner for 2021-22
Here is your chance to Be Part of the Club during the 2021-22 season.
To become an owner, a one-off £40 fee is payable to the Club, with ownership running from 1st July 2021 to 30th June 2022.
Clyde FC Ownership – Continued Benefits
- Equal Vote
- Part of a democratic process to adopt Club policy.
- Invite to Annual General Meeting and any Extraordinary General Meetings
- Exclusive invite to manager’s Q&A sessions
- Listed on Clyde website as a Club Owner.
- Access to Owner’s Forum on Clyde website (Effective August 2021)
- Owner’s Man of the Match voting
- Voting on club kits for season 2022-23
- Priority for matchday tickets if required.
- Monthly email club update
- Quarterly financial update
Purchase or Renew an Ownership
There are three ways to purchase a new ownership or renew an existing ownership:-
- Download an application form and pay by cheque.
- Visit the online shop where you can instantly purchase a Ownership using credit/debit card
- Sign up via our GoCardless page to spread payments over four months.
Be Part of It.