McStay 1 to 1 Training
Clyde midfielder Chris McStay is providing tailored football sessions for individuals, groups or teams of players focused on taking the player’s game to the next level.
He is offering these specialised sessions in the Lanarkshire area, at a discounted rate for Clyde supporters. The training will be of great benefit to improving the certain skills your child needs in order to progress their game as a whole, including; first touch, dribbling, fitness, agility, speedwork and game situations.
The first session will allow Chris to gauge the player’s level and ability, strengths and weaknesses and work on a programme to improve these elements. The sessions are an hour long, focused on maximising the child’s potential by developing those skills which are already there and establishing those skills that are not.
To enquire about starting today, contact Chris by messaging him via any of the pages below:
or email: