Chairman’s New Year Message
A good New Year to all Clyde supporters for 2013. The club wishes to express its thanks to all those who have again contributed to the club in 2012, whether through giving time as a volunteer from car park collections to boardroom hosting, contributing financially at all levels or turning up and giving positive backing to the team. It is all greatly appreciated.
2013 needs to be a good year for Clyde supporters. We have all lived for too long with the decline that followed our near bankruptcy in 2004 and our ‘one goal from the SPL’ heartache in the same season. At long last there is a genuine belief that the painful decline has halted and The Bully Wee are moving forward and looking to the future.
It is well understood that we are not a wealthy club and we have no grounds to get carried away as we still operate on a very tight budget. However, for the first time since the end of 2004, our medium term financial stability is secure and we can concentrate on building on that. Our finance director welcomes 2013 because it allows him to say that Clyde FC will be debt free next year – it might not be until November 2014, but it is in sight and completely under control.
We fully expect to be making significant progress with our long term stadium plans and we shall discuss that in conjunction with our existing landlords and potential future partners in alternative locations. Our sole target remains to be in a position to operate a sustainable business model at the heart of a vibrant and engaged community and we will set out a timetable for that in the first quarter of the New Year. We will involve our owners in discussing and deciding on any major plans.
It is impossible to determine how things will develop on the playing front, but a level of stability has been injected with the return of some contracts extending over more than one season and the prospect of strengthening the squad in the January window. What is clear is that the players need positive support and not abuse. We have a predominantly young squad who need and deserve our vocal and positive support, as it is on them we rely if we are to see our competitive position improve. Abuse only undermines and damages fragile performances built on confidence and does no credit to the minority who seem to think that it is acceptable.
The vast majority of supporters back the club on all fronts as and when they can and it is those supporters that we want around the club as we look forward. Please give your backing to the players and support them in 2013. A supporter is not defined solely by their attendance at a match; they are defined by the manner in which they positively support their club within their own personal constraints.
Have a great New Year and please get behind The Bully Wee.
John Alexander