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Rutherglen Approve Proposal

At a meeting held by Rutherglen Glencairn tonight, attended by Clyde Chairman John Alexander and Secretary John Taylor, the club’s members approved their Committee’s recommendations to support, in principle, Clyde FC’s proposal to develop The Clyde Gateway Stadium into an SFL compliant stadium in a joint venture between the two clubs.

Glencairn members gave their committee the mandate work with Clyde FC to develop a submission to South Lanarkshire Council and to formally approve a partnership agreement between the two clubs.

Meanwhile, a similar proposal with East Kilbride Thistle for the development of the ground at the Showpark in East Kilbride continues to be progressed in parallel.

Speaking after tonight’s meeting, John Alexander commented:

“It was a very constructive and positive meeting and now that Glencairn members have agreed that their committee can go into detailed discussions with Clyde FC, we will be calling a meeting of our own ownership to outline the basis of the proposal.

“There is obviously a lot of work to be done, but tonight’s decision means that both clubs can now move the proposal forward.”