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Show Racism The Red Card Fortnight Of Action

As part of the “Show Racism The Red Card” (SRTRC) Fortnight of Action, from 13 to 27 October, all Scottish Premier League and Scottish Football League fixtures played tomorrow and Sunday will feature anti-racist action. Players from all forty-two clubs will ‘show racism the red card’ before kick-off, with tannoy announcements, articles in match programmes and extra events.

175,000 SRTRC squad posters have been distributed featuring not only Scotland’s international men’s and women’s teams but every SPL and SFL First Division team. Each school in Scotland will receive a copy of the new SRTRC Scotland video and education pack.

Anti-racist presentations took place at Easter Road Stadium in Edinburgh on 14th October and at Tannadice Park in Dundee on 19th October. A further presentation will be given at Tynecastle Park on 31st October.

Throughout Scotland a wide range of football-related projects are being run under the SRTRC Fortnight of Action grants scheme, which is part-funded by the Scottish Executive’s ‘One Scotland’ campaign.

The “Show Racism The Red Card” Fortnight of Action goes from strength to strength each year, but “Lets Kick Racism Out Of Scotland” is a daily challenge facing everyone and Clyde Football Club is pleased to support the campaign in every way it can.