Season Ticket Plea
One of many positive ideas to emerge from last week’s AGM, was the offer by season ticket holders to pay cash at the turnstile for the remaining four home games of the season.
This is a move welcomed by the club and the Supporters’ Trust and we’d like to ask as many “Bully Wee” season ticket holders as possible to support the club at this crucial time by joining fellow fans in this way.
The suggestion is discretionary, only those who wish to contribute need do so.
Turnstile A in the main stand has been designated as the “Season Ticket Donation “gate, and those who want to pay for admission in this way must enter by this gate and must also redeem the relevant voucher for the match.
Those who cannot lend support in this way, can use any gate other than “A” on Saturday and for the remaining home games.
Please tell all your fellow season ticket holders to ensure maximum take up. An update on the take-up will be posted over the weekend.
Let’s get right behind this initiative.