Football Fans in Training
Football Fans in Training (FFIT) for men is designed for those aged between 35-65 who have a waistline of 38 or more.
If you think this sounds like you, why not give FFIT a try?
Do you want to lose weight, have a healthier lifestyle and ultimately be fitter? Run in partnership with The Scottish Professional Football League, our 12 week FFIT programme can help you do this.
The course is free to all participants and will take place at Broadwood every Wednesday, from 1-3pm and starting on 22nd March.
The main aims of the programme are to:-
- Increase knowledge of diet & nutrition
- Improve lifestyle choices
- Increase physical activity amongst participants
- Reduce weight and waist measurements
- Increase engagement in other physical activity
To book a free place on the programme, or for more information, please email