Interim Report on Supporter Consultations
As the end of the 2015-16 season, the club embarked on a series of activities to review its vision and prioritise its objectives.
In previous years the Clyde board had developed plans, but these have been more internally focussed. The board recognised that the club needed to widen the conversation about its priorities and increase participation in any review process, in order to ensure that the aims and objectives of Clyde FC are formed from a shared vision, collated from the views of all those having an interest in ensuring a positive future for the club, especially its supporters.
Therefore, it was recognised that engagement with supporters throughout the review process was critical for its success. The club undertook a supporters’ consultation exercise which included:-
- Two workshops, one held in Broadwood and one in Rutherglen Town Hall, which were advertised on the club’s website and open to all Clyde supporters to attend;
- at each session we had short presentations and a variety of group discussions, on topics including:
- where are we now?
- what is working well?
- what requires to change?
- we also looked to the future to confirm where we want to be and, more importantly, how we get there?
- the club’s manager, Barry Ferguson, attended both sessions to add his views and make himself available for supporters to question
- at each session we had short presentations and a variety of group discussions, on topics including:
- An online survey, which gave all supporters an opportunity to participate in the consultation exercise, including those unable to attend the two events.
About fifty supporters took part in the two consultation workshops.
The views of workshop participants were captured at each event by an independent scribe and a summary of what was the outcome of the two events using the topic headings as detailed above is currently being prepared.
Online Survey
The online survey was carried out during June and July and a total of 188 supporters completed the survey during that period.
The survey questions were:-
- How would you rate the way the club communicates with supporters?
- How involved do you feel supporters are in having a say in the club?
- How would you rate the way the club is led and governed?
- How would you rate the pre-match build up to games?
- How would you rate the match day atmosphere?
- How would you rate our pricing structure in terms of season tickets?
- How would you rate our pricing policy in terms of “pay at the gate”?
- How would you rate our pricing in terms of the club programme?
- How do you rate the club website?
- Do you have any other comments?
The survey responses were as detailed below:-
1. How would you rate the way the club communicates with supporters?
- Very Poor – 2.67%
- Poor – 10.16%
- Ok – 28.88%
- Good – 47.06%
- Excellent – 11.23%
2. How involved do you feel supporters are in having a say in the club?
- Very Poor – 2.13%
- Poor – 10.11%
- Ok – 44.68%
- Good – 38.30%
- Excellent – 4.79%
3. How would you rate the way the club is led and governed?
- Very Poor – 2.69%
- Poor – 8.06%
- Ok – 27.96%
- Good – 47.85%
- Excellent – 13.44%
4. How would you rate the pre-match build up to games?
- Very Poor – 6.67%
- Poor – 21.67%
- Ok – 48.33%
- Good – 21.11%
- Excellent – 2.22%
5. How would you rate the match day atmosphere?
- Very Poor – 4.42%
- Poor – 18.78%
- Ok – 43.09%
- Good – 29.28%
- Excellent – 4.42%
6. How would you rate our pricing structure in terms of season tickets?
- Very Poor – 0.54%
- Poor – 3.24%
- Ok – 24.86%
- Good – 50.27%
- Excellent – 21.08%
7. How would you rate our pricing policy in terms of “pay at the gate”?
- Very Poor – 1.67%
- Poor – 6.67%
- Ok – 44.44%
- Good – 39.44%
- Excellent – 7.78%
8. How would you rate our pricing in terms of the club programme?
- Very Poor – 0.00%
- Poor – 1.61%
- Ok – 26.88%
- Good – 47.85%
- Excellent – 23.66%
9. How do you rate the club website?
- Very Poor – 0.00%
- Poor – 3.19%
- Ok – 14.89%
- Good – 43.09%
- Excellent – 38.83%
As well as having the opportunity to rate how the club was performing in respect of each of the above questions, respondents were also able to make specific comments in response to each question and asked if they had any additional comments they wished to make. In total there were 562 comments made and these are currently being analysed. The intention being to list these under the question headings used at the two consultation events.
- Where are we now?
- What is working well?
- What requires to change?
- Where we want to be in the future and how we get there?
What Next?
A final report will be prepared, by director David Wiseman and chief executive David Douglas. The board will take in to account the views that have been expressed by those supporters who participated and determine what steps the club needs to take to ensure that what we have is an up to date vision for the club and a clear plan for ensuring that we can deliver that vision.
A final report will then be published, that outlines a clear summary of what supporters have said, what steps Clyde FC have taken already to address any concerns and what else the club intends to do to ensure that Clyde becomes one of Scotland’s leading and most successful community football clubs at the heart of a trusting and engaged community, where the club is relevant 365 days a year.