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Record Lottery Jackpot is Won

Tonight’s Clyde FC Lottery draw proved to be a historic event, as a record jackpot of £20,000 was claimed and shared between two lucky players.

John Paul Morrison and Jeffrey Simmons both successfully selected all four of the winning numbers, which were; 5, 6, 16 and 24.

John Paul is a lifelong Clyde fan and regularly buys a ticket from The Press Bar in Glasgow. Jeffrey is also a regular player, but from further afield in Norfolk, England.

The club’s congratulations go to both men, who will each receive a cheque for a fantastic £10,000.

Clyde director and Lottery organiser, Gordon Nisbet said: “The Lottery team certainly didn’t expect the jackpot to reach its maximum amount during its 11-year life to date and, in typical fashion, after waiting two years for a winner two have come at once.

“Our congratulations go to both winners and we extend our sincere thanks to all of the agents, outlets and of course the participants that continue to make the Lottery the success that it is.”

For full information on this evening’s draw, including details of seven second prize winners, click here.