Membership Renewals
The deadline for existing website members to renew their membership for the remainder of the season (until June 30th) has been set at Monday, March 31st.
Work has began on the new Online Shop but with its launch being delayed until later in the spring, it has been decided to collect all renewal fees for the season via the downloadable form.
Renewal of your membership, at just £6.50 or £3 for Under-18/Under-12 season ticket holders, will entitle you to continued access of:-
- Match highlights from Broadwood (and other video)
- Post-match interviews (and other audio)
- Forum access with existing username
- Chat Room access
- Exclusive competitions and promotions
If you are not currently a member and would like to activate your membership until the end of the 2007/08 season immediately, please use the same application form above.
Thanks for your support and co-operation.